( 029 ) sekarang macam satu trend "kuih-kuih mat saleh" ni out one by one. it's like season. seingat ainaa la. begin cup cake then pavlova then durian crepe n now marbled cream cheese brownies pulak.
just want share my recipe. the original recipe by google. but had modification by me. let's start.. ;)
chocolate brownies
125gm butter, chopped
125gm cooking chocolate, chopped( i using real chocolate )
1 cup brown sugar
3 eggs, lightly beaten
1/3 cup flour
1/3 cup coco powder
1/4 tsp baking powder
cream cheese
250gm cream cheese
1/4 cup caster sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
make it
1. combine butter, chocolate cooking and brown sugar then melt kat atas api yang sangat slow. beware ! cepat hangus if lalai.
2. mixer egg till kembang then masukkan bahan2 yang di masak tadi. make it cool fisrt. suhu bilik sudah.
3. ayak flour, coco powder and baking powder. then mix it together.
4. mix cream cheese until gebu.
5. masukkan chocolate batter dalam loyang tinggalkan 10% for marble effect.
kene ratakan sebab batter dia pekat
7. pipe the 10% chocolate batter at the top cream cheese. then guna pisau stik for the marble effect.
use stick knife
it's done. yummy ! selamat menery ;)
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