Saturday, 23 February 2013


( 031 ) okey.. this sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cynical

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

mushroom soup


( 030 ) mushroom soup is family favorite appetizer. usually i'll cook an evening for dinner. even banyak instant mushroom soup kat pasaran, family tetap suke yg hand made. but i miss vono mushroom soup instant. selalu masak masa kat kolej dulu.

this my version mushroom soup. memang totally recipe sendiri. okey. jom mula. bismillah....

mushroom soup


2 tbs butter
3 or 4 tbs flour
800ml plain water
2 tbs milk powder
1/2 onion
3 seed clove
1 tin mushroom
1 chicken cube
1 tbs basil
1 tsp oregano
1 piece bay leave
1 cup cooking cream / heavy cream
3 tbs any cheese

 some ingredient


1. melt the butter

2. add flour. stir till jadi macam serbuk roti.

masukkan tepung sikit2 sambil kacau

 stir sampai jadi like serbuk roti

3. add the water. and stir.

 nanti if pekat sangat boleh tambah lagi.

4. then add milk powder before pekat

 called "susu tungeng" hee

4. bile dah separuh pekat add onion yang di cucuk dengan clove. stir

  untuk bau je.

5. add the mushroom, bay leave, basil, chicken cube and heavy cream.


6. bile dah nak mengelegak tambah garam, cheese and basil.

 7. stir. done !

mushroom soup ni if takde couple dia tak sah kan? bread garlic ;)

bread garlic


Francis bread 
2 tbs butter  
3 seed garlic
1 tsp basil


chopped garlic and add butter n basil. then sapu atas bawah francis bread... bakar atas pan till brown..

its done !

senang bukan? try laa.. ;) 

Friday, 15 February 2013

marbled cream cheese brownies


( 029 ) sekarang macam satu trend "kuih-kuih mat saleh" ni out one by one. it's like season. seingat ainaa la. begin cup cake then pavlova then durian crepe n now marbled cream cheese brownies pulak.

just want share my recipe. the original recipe by google. but had modification by me. let's start.. ;)

chocolate brownies

125gm butter, chopped
125gm cooking chocolate, chopped( i using real chocolate )
1 cup brown sugar
3 eggs, lightly beaten
1/3 cup flour
1/3 cup coco powder
1/4 tsp baking powder 

cream cheese

250gm cream cheese
1/4 cup caster sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten

make it

1. combine  butter, chocolate cooking and brown sugar then melt kat atas api yang sangat slow. beware ! cepat hangus if lalai.

2. mixer egg till kembang then masukkan bahan2 yang di masak tadi. make it cool fisrt. suhu bilik sudah.
3. ayak flour, coco powder and baking powder. then mix it together.

4. mix cream cheese until gebu.

5. masukkan chocolate batter dalam loyang tinggalkan 10% for marble effect.

 kene ratakan sebab batter dia pekat
6. add cream cheese batter at the top.
7. pipe the 10% chocolate batter at the top cream cheese. then guna pisau stik for the marble effect.

 use stick knife

8. bake at 180oC. 

it's done. yummy ! selamat menery ;)

Thursday, 14 February 2013

secret garden


( 028 )my routine has change. berubah 360 darjah. every time layan drama korea. nak buat ape pun semua jadi malas. nevermine.. kelapangan masa untuk bermalas2 ni will end in the short time. hope so. now ainaa tengah layan drama korea, secret garden.. let be u want judge me old school. dah memang ketinggalan pun. this drama has come out in 2011. now 2013. bru nak layan? that's me..

this story pasal Kim Joo Won ( Hyun Bin ) rich guy have a Mall, president Mall and Gil Ra Im ( Ha Ji Won ) seorang stundwomen juga peminat Oska dilakonkan oleh Sang Hyun. Oska have girl friend, Yoon Seul ( Kim Sa Rang ).

Hyun Bin as Kim Joo Won

Ha Ji Won as Gil Ra Im

Sang Hyun as Oska/Choi Woo Young

Kim Sa Rang as Yoon Seul

ainaa tamo story pasal hero and heroin ke dua, Oska and Yoon Seul. just want story about main hero and heroin, Kim Joo Won and Gil Ra Im. both meet dengan cara tak sengaja. Kim Joo Won seakan dah tertarik kat Gil Ra Im mase 1st time jumpe. di pendekkan cerita. dengan sengaja dorang berjumpa kat jeju island. this is a main part maybe. Oska, Kim Joo Won and Gil Ra Im have a cycle race in jungle. tetibe Gil Ra Im sesat. Then Kim Joo Won Cari Gil Ra Im dekat dengan satu mysterious garden. dorang masuk restauran yg ade dlm mysterious garden, meet someone makcik yg bagi dorang hand made alcohol.

sampai je hotel also at that night dorang minum alcohol tu. at the morning, dorang dah bertukat badan. that my favorite part. lucu, sweet.. selebih nye tengok la sendri yea. ;)

seriously, cerita ni tersangat larh best. even cerita dia agak low logical tapi ia menjadi. love secret garden eva...

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


asalammulaikum.. bismillah

( 027 ) as u can see my blog new look , it would be filigree desing. it my favorite pattern. look elegant, simple and tak crowded. 

ni padah nya gamba copy. do not be fooled. a right spelling Filigree not filagree. ntah dari dunia mana orang lukis art ni.. ;p

this is example filigree wallpaper. one day i want change the room full with filigree pattern. sekarang tak boleh sebab harga dia agak mahal. nak demand kat parents kang melebih pulak. hee.. its okey.. dreaming first the real second. amin ;)